The stars lean down to kiss you and i lie awake and miss you pour me a heavy dose of the atmosphere 'Cuz I will doze off safe and soundly but I'll miss your arms around me I'd send a postcard to you dear 'Cuz I wish you were here. Vanilla Twilight Owl City I've been meaning to write this post for so long, I don't even remember how long. Adithya. My best friend. The one that I share my life with. We have this thing Adi and me, if there's something noteworthy happening in one of our lives, invariably the other will be experiencing the same thing. I've known him for 10 years now. We met in Sanskriti School in Delhi. Oh the things I owe to that institution. Adithya is definitely one of them. I was in the 11th standard and after a life of studying in Army schools and Kendriya Vidhyalayas, I was finally finishing my schooling with Sanskriti in Delhi. My first day at school was an orientation session. We just had to spend the day getting to ...